20 surprising e-safety facts: an infographic

20 surprising e-safety facts: an infographic

Mobile devices are more accessible than ever. With affordable Windows and Android devices readily available, more and more children are getting their hands on their own tablets, mobile phones and laptops.

And it’s well documented that children use and know more about social networks than their parents. There’s a new one cropping up seemingly everyday, and sometimes it can be hard to keep track. Do you know your Kiks from your Snapchats? Your Instagrams from your ooVoos? No? Well don’t worry, you’re probably not alone.

With all this in mind, and with the new school year commencing, we thought it was a great time to start thinking about the topic of e-safety. So here, in handy infographic-form, are all the e-safety facts and figures you’ll need on how kids use the internet, and how much (or little) their parents are involved and understand what they get up to.
